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4 Solid Reasons Why You Need Chebe For Hair Growth

4 Solid Reasons Why You Need Chebe For Hair Growth

So many of us are in the pursuit of happiness with our natural hair. We are pretty much willing to try anything! Whether that be experiemental D.I.Y's with raw eggs and honey or the hottest new ingredient that is currently trending for afro hair.
For the past couple of years or so, one of those trends have been Chebe powder.
If you’re not familiar with what that is, it is a powder that is made up of natural ingredients, formulated by the women from the African Republic of Chad.
The ingredients consist of cherry seeds, cloves, lavender crotons and reisin tree sap. Sounds pretty basic right? So what is all the fuss about? These ingredients when combined together are a powerful blend of nature; aiding in retaining and locking in moisture into natural hair strands and increasing the volume and thickness of your afro hair.



Whether you are actively trying to grow your curly hair with new techniques and/or products, adding Chebe into your natural hair routine can defintely be a way for you to retain moisture, retain inches, and help you to retain your hair length goals.


1) It contains anti-inflammatory properties 

Firstly, it is important to establish how to identify when you are dealing with an inflammed scalp. If you often suffer from tenderness, soreness, redness and dryness for no particular reason (you havent recently applied any chemicals, strange products, not washing products out of your thoroughly and causing product build-up on your scalp, scratching your head too hard etc) then these can be indications that you are suffering from an inflammed scalp. Learning what your triggers are for this is an absolute must. Luckily enough, the ingredients in Chebe powder can act as an exfoliant helping you to remove build-up that can be found on the scalp. Using raw Chebe powder can be a great way to create a natural exfoliant to remove impurities and freeing your scalp of build-up.

2) Moisture, moisture, moisture!

Chebe powder can be your best friend if you suffer from high poroisty hair and struggle to lock in moisture! (If you would like to find out whether you have low,medium or high porosity hair then you can watch the video below to help you to identify which one you are). IVY WILD have created the Chebe Growth Cream which is the ideal product to help you retain and lock-in moisture for dry and dehydrated afro hair. The Chebe Powder is combined with natural shea butter and a combination of sealing oils so that you can use Chebe on a daily basis. 


3) Length retention for 4C hair - FINALLY!

Chebe powder is a whirlwind of an addition to your hair routine because if used correctly it can help you to retain length. For so many years, women with super coily hair types have believed that 4C hair does not grow and is limited to growth and strength. Along with a ton of other bogus myths, this is one that Chebe powder has defintely challenged. The Chebe Growth Cream is a product that can help you to retain length in any hairstyle. Yes, even under your wigs!

With regular use, you will notice that your afro hair will begin to retain it's length. Some of my hair strands fall into the 4C hair type. I use my Chebe Growth Cream with the Leave-in Moisture Spray. First I begin with the Leave-in Moisture Spray using the LOC method, using the Chebe Growth Cream as the oil and Daily Moisturising Lotion as the cream for ultimate 'sealage' of mositure!

4) Deep Conditioning Pal

My final tip. You can use a teaspoon of Chebe Powder into your deep conditioner for super benefits! This is such a great tip for those of you who also want to treat the scalp during this final stage in your wash routine to some exfoliation! Once you have added the powder into your deep conditioner, you will need to give it some time to do it's magic. Alternatively, why not try the IVY WILD Intensive Deep Conditioner? Packed with tons of natural ingredients and plant powered protein, this product is guarenteed to take your beautiful natural hair to new heights of hydration!

Jul 28, 2022

Thank you for sharing this wonderful article on your site. It has a lot of information and has answered a lot of questions I  have about this topic. I appreciate it.


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