So why is it important to make sure you moisturise your hair regular?

As you may know natural hair types 3 to 4 hair, can lose moisture very easily. This can be due to how the hair follicles are formed and whether they are open or closed. It also depends on how well your hair is able to absorb and retain moisture.
It is good to keep your body hydrated too, by drinking water on a regular basis. Fun fact: Our beautiful bodies need water and are made up of 60% water! This is so that the body can function properly and stay busy doing all of the wonderful thing sit does to function on 100%, keeping us active and alive! Such as, the reproduction of cells and keeping our organs going to regulate our body temperature, so that we are not expelling water too quickly through sweating. So, it’s good to drink up to or more than 2 litres of water per day.
But how do you keep your hair moisturised?
Well firstly make sure you have a good haircare routine in place. Cleansing your hair and scalp regular. The IVY WILD Drench set is the ideal choice for this. If you suffer from dry, flaky scalp, always begin with the IVY WILD Exfoliating Scalp Scrub!

Use the right products in your hair, that actually have ingredients to moisturise. Do research on ingredients that moisturise or you can trust us to do that research for you!
Your routine is vital! Make sure that you’re looking after your hair properly in-between wash days and avoiding the heat!
Do you notice that when you try to detangle your hair when it’s completely dry, it’s very difficult to detangle and you experience pain? This is a huge no no. In comparison to when your hair is wet or fully saturated with products in it, it’s much easier to detangle and to style, and a lot less painful too.
There was a time when I used to avoid using water based hair products in my hair, because I didn’t like shrinkage. Because it made my hair look very short, even though it is not shoulder length, but I just didn’t like it. Yes I am sounding slightly vain, but I didn’t understand fully the benefits of using water based products in my hair in between wash days. Including when I used to get extension braids in my hair many years ago, and avoided using a water based sprays in my hair, mainly because I knew my hair would shrink, and look messy with the extension hair.
Sometimes it can take awhile to understand what needs to change in your hair routine and daily habits when it comes to our hair. It can be easier to find out how to look after your hair properly through good practices and learning from bad experiences (from our own experiences and people that we know!)
Anyway, when I understood and embraced shrinkage and knew it to be a sign of healthy hair, I saw that my hair was starting to flourish due to the good changes I did to my hair.
I now have a better understanding of my natural hair, what it likes and doesn’t like, and I can notice when my hair is lacking in moisture, as it is dry as it tangles more easily.
This brings me to a very moisturising product. Have you tried the IVY WILD Leave-in Moisture Spray?
It’s made from 80% purified water, water which has been through a process to remove impurities like chemicals in the water and contaminants in the water too.

Other ingredients in the Leave-in Moisture Spray include Honey.
Honey with humectant and emollient properties. Which when used in the hair adds shine to dull hair and adds moisture to dry hair strands.
Mango Butter, which is rich in vitamins A & E and softens hair when it is dry. And has a deep moisturising and regenerative effect on hair and scalp.
Vegetable glycerine is also a humectant, but how it works is by attracting and drawing moisture from the air. Hydrating your hair this way.
Avocado Oil, now this is a light oil to use on your hair. Avocado oil actually penetrates into the hair strands and doesn't just sit on the hair. Avocado oil is also rich in Vitamin E.
So many moisturising rich ingredients in one bottle, you can’t go wrong with this. And it is easy to use, as you use it when needed.
And remember depending on the season our hair may need more moisture. Right now we are in the autumn season, the weather is colder, there is less moisture in the air. And we drink less water. So remember to maintain your daily water intake and moisturise your hair more regular.
You can find me on all social media platforms @missybeelondon
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